A Prom with a Difference!

Have you been tasked with planning your school’s prom this year?

It’s that time of year when you start thinking about what your school will do for this year’s prom. Venues are starting to fill up and the kids are beginning to plan their outfits.

With such a large choice of themes it’s hard to decide which one to go with. A James Bond themed Prom is a firm favourite with 16 year olds. Glamour, class, suits and spies, what more can you want from a night!

Here is a checklist for everything you need to have the best James Bond themed Prom night:

  1.  A spy photo booth 

We all know teenagers love a selfie, so what’s better than a photo booth to take their photo all night long. You can either hire a company to come and set up a booth, or create a make shift one yourself. Mark off a section of the venue as the booth, ideally a room or an area you are can cover up with a curtain. Set up a bench with a plain background, another curtain hanging would work well here. All you need is a camera on a tripod and a member of staff to man the camera. Props are also an added bonus and sticking to the James bond theme, you can create paper guns on sticks, bowties, martinis, you get the gist.

  1. Martini glasses 

– Are a must for any James Bond themed party! Now I’m not suggesting you serve the 16 year olds actual martini drinks, fill the glasses with chocolates or sweets and dot them around the venue for that sophisticated spy feel.

  1. Name cards

A nice touch on the night is to have a name card for each guest, placed on the table to show where they are sat. Make these look like playing cards, with the guest’s name on the back. Print the playing cards out on to card and cut out – easy, cheap and a great momento for the kids to take home with them.

  1. Agent training/Play shooting range

This one is great fun and goes down a treat with the boys in particular. Cut out on to cardboard an outline of a human torso, just like the ones you see in a shooting range. Draw on the scoring system, different rings of the body giving different points, the centre being the highest. On the night, set out your own shooting range and play using suction dart guns.

  1. Casino

Last, but certainly not least, you can’t have a James Bond themed prom without a casino. At Funky Casinos we can provide casino style games to bring the glitz to any party. We provide the set up for the casino games you want, including roulette and blackjack tables. We will also provide a croupier service, so you can be confident the kids will get the most from the experience.

If you are looking to hold your own James Bond Themed party, then please do get in touch before we get booked up! Contact Cathy on 07798 904 508 or fill out the contact form on our website here.
